
[신규상장] 유에스디 베이스(USDB) 상장완료 / 12. 03(목) 04:00 상장

등록일 2020-12-0214:45 조회수 1,893

안녕하세요. 암호화폐 거래소 생태계의 새로운 구성 텐앤텐입니다.
유에스디 베이스(USDB)가 텐앤텐 거래소에 상장됩니다.


■ 코인명 : 유에스디 베이스(USDB)

■ 상장일정 : 2020년 12월 3일 목요일 오전 4시 상장

■ 백 서 : http://cdn.tenntenworld.com/static/wp/usdb_eng.pdf" target="_blank"

■홈페이지 : http://www.usdbglobal.com

※ 입출금 주의사항 ※

- 코인명이 같아도 발행사가 다른 코인은 전혀 다른 코인입니다. 코인 입출금시에는 코인명과 발행사를 꼭 비교 확인하시기 바랍니다.
  (잘못 송금하는 경우, 오류/손실이 발생될 수 있으며 복구할 수 없습니다.)

- 동일한 코인명의 암호화폐라도 컨트랙트(Contract) 주소가 다를 경우 정상거래가 불가합니다.

- 암호화폐 주소를 잘못 입력하여 발생되는 문제는 도움을 드릴 수 없습니다.

▶ 코인소개

USDB - A crypto pegged to fiat money, USD for crypto-asset transactions
Due to its volatility, cryptocurrency is often perceived as volatile and considered as fake value; ironically, the characteristic attracts numerous traders into the market as a source of investment.
To intervene in the skepticism and maintain sustainable and stable value, USDallorbase, Inc. introduces USD Base coin, a crypto-backed by legal currency, USD, with a 1:1 ratio, and transparent operation management.
USDB is based on the Ethereum Platform, one of the major blockchain platforms, and generated as a form of crypto tokens. USDB is pegged to 1:1 to USD, each token is equivalent to $1: 1USDB represents 1USD. 1USDB is possible to be redeemed or exchanged as a value of $1 among USDB holders or following the Terms of Service or Policy prescribed by the USDallorbase, Inc. operating USDB.
USDBase reserves the value of the US dollar by complying with governmental regulations and preparing several steps of governmental protections.
Especially, from the unexpected hacking threats, multiple technology policies are implemented and conducted in the operational procedures for securing its preservation.
In other words, the USDB transaction is recorded publicly by blockchain. Also, issuing, destroying, or burning records of issued USDB or exchanged USDB will be matched to the record on the USDB website, are identical to the deposit/withdrawal records from a bank account, auditing institutes or government organs periodically issue, sign, and check the bank balance and bank remittance statements.